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If you think email marketing is dead, think again. It’s a thriving channel that you, along with 4.48 billion other users in the world, use every day. Through its existence for over 20 years, it’s time-tested, proven and remains one of the most valuable forms of communication.

Though marketers have a multitude of ways to connect with customers in the digital world, the power of email marketing remains relevant and effective. Because of its adaptability, direct reach, and measurable results, email marketing fuels brand loyalty, increases website traffic, and delivers a powerful Return on Investment (ROI).

Email Marketing is Not Dead — It's Thriving

High ROI. Email marketing delivers an average return of $36 for every dollar spent. That is the highest ROI of all digital marketing tactics.

Measurability. Modern email marketing platforms come with analytics tools to precisely measure your email campaigns’ effectiveness. You can track email open rates, clicks, conversions, and use that data to refine your email marketing approach.   

SEO Boost. Emails won’t directly affect SEO, but it will drive more traffic to your website which positively impacts rankings. Increased website visits signals to search engines that your site is valuable and relevant.

Deliverability. Email bypasses tricky algorithms on other platforms. Instead, you get direct communication with the people who opted-in and want to hear from you.

Doing Email Marketing Right

Email marketing topics can include organization news, announcements, industry trends, and sales on products and services. To get the most out of your email marketing strategy, follow these best practices.

  • Healthy List Management. Consider quality over quantity with your subscribers. A list of 500 subscribers with a 30% open rate is more profitable than a list of 20,000 with a 3% open rate. Make it easy to sign up to your emails, and routinely remove email addresses that aren’t engaging.

  • Segment. Subscribers opted-into your list for different reasons. It’s prudent to segment your list based on engagement patterns and tailor content accordingly. For example, you can create a segment for people that clicked on event announcements during the past six months. These become the people that will receive event information in the future.

  • Personalize. This can be as simple as a “Hello, Name” or as complex as sending a unique subject line to a segment. A personalized email is less likely to end up in the spam folder.

  • Frequency. Again, it’s good practice to consider quality over quantity. Consider a frequency that will keep you on your subscribers’ minds without annoying them into unsubscribing.

  • Stay on-brand. Email marketing templates and campaigns should be designed with your brand colors, logo, tone, and have the same visual identity as your website.

  • Subject line. One of the most important components of email marketing is a subject line that invites them to open the email. Hint: insert a clear sense of urgency and watch your open-rate increase. 

  • Optimize for mobile. Because 41% of emails are opened from mobile devices, a beautifully designed email needs to look as great on a smartphone as it does on desktop. Aim for concise content and clear call-to-actions that are simple to tap.

By incorporating these practices into your email marketing strategy, you can create a subscriber list that is engaged and tuned into your organization’s message. If you need assistance getting started or refining your strategy, the marketing experts at Greenleaf Media are here to help. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at 608-240-9611 to get in touch.